Want to see the presentations given at ALLA’s 2014 Conference by UAH Librarians? Here you go!

The below presentations were given last week at the ALLA 2014 Conferece – The Crossroads of Information and Literacy – held here in Huntsville.

The first one, “Instruction in a Flash: The Flipped Classroom Incident”, was presented by Michael Manasco and Doug Bolden on Thursday morning. It deals with flipped classrooms, really rapid instructional design, and the ups and downs of the experience.

The second, “A Quickish Glance at Open Source Graphics Design: GIMP, Scribus, and Miscellany”, was a mini-session presented by Doug Bolden on Friday.

Both have been released via Creative Commons 4 “by attribution” license. Feel free to use, share, download, and remix the presentations, just please give us attribution (Michael and myself for the first one, just me for the second).

Now, these are the slides. There were a handful of notes and elements not directly visible here. If you have any questions, you can contact Michael at michael.manasco@uah.edu and myself at doug.bolden@uah.edu.