N1 closed for renovations, and C2 quiet study impacted: Updated Study Zone Information

As a note, the north section of the first floor (the large section furthest from the front door, which we referred to as the Charger Commons, or as N1) is being shut down this summer for renovations. Currently, books and furniture are being moved out of it. The journals will be relocated to the second floor. The furniture will be spread throughout, but largely into the study sections of the first floor.

Due to the move of the journals to the second floor, the quiet study in the central second floor section (C2) will be unfortunately noisy. Even after the move, the renovations will likely impact the sound levels of it and the second floor north-section quiet study (N2). With this in mind, the best spot for quiet study will be the north-section of the third floor (N3). This may vary by state of project or time of day. Or you can check out a Study Room for you and a group (talk to User Services). The archives, down in the old ground floor, is also often a quiet area, but is technically deemed “semi-quiet” (meaning that people can have cell phones and talk at respectful levels). Again this depends on time of day. The central section of the first floor will remain “social study” (as the north section was) and the south section of the first floor will remain “semi-quiet”.

If you need any help finding one of the journals in transition, or finding a place to study in the library, then feel free to stop by the Reference Desk [(256)824-6529] or User Services [(256)824-6530] or to email us at erefq@uah.edu.

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