UAH Library Catalog down for maintenance this evening, March 7th 2016

The UAH Library catalog will be down for maintenance this evening, beginning at 4:30 pm. While there is not an exact timetable for the work to be completed, we hope to have access restored in a few short hours. As a partial work-around to this issue, you can also search for books and other materials via the OneSearch tool on the library homepage at OneSearch actually allows you to retrieve books in addition to periodical materials, so if you find yourself needing to locate a book (in print or electronic form), OneSearch has you covered. Thank you for your patience!

Possible eBook download issues today, February 4th 2016

If you attempt to view or download/checkout any eBooks today from the EBSCO platform, you may get an error and will be unable to do so. This is due to some maintenance taking place for some of their products. The issues should not persist beyond today, however.

As always, contact Michael Manasco, your Electronic Resource Librarian with any concerns: (256) 824-6965 or email at